Displaying a descriptive title for your website on your LinkedIn profile
As I have increased the number of connections I have on LinkedIn I have noticed that a number of people tend to have the generic LinkedIn descriptors for websites select, such as My Company or My Website.
In doing this they are missing an opportunity to improve the search ranking of their LinkedIn profile and their websites, assuming their profile and the websites section is ‘public’. By following a few steps, as detailed below, it is possible to add a more descriptive title for the websites listed that will be more interesting than the generic title and will add more keywords to their profile to improve search engine ratings.
- To start the process, go to the “Edit My Profile” link within the menu system on the left hand side of the LinkedIn screen.
- On doing that, the ‘Edit My Profile’ tab is displayed, scroll down the screen (you will see the Current, Past, Education, Recommended, Connections links pass).
- When you see the Websites link, click on it.
This will take you to “Additional Information [Edit]”, click on the [Edit] link.
- You are then taken to the “Edit My Profile” tab, with the title Additional Information in bold. The first section is Websites.
- For each website you wish to list, click on the “Choose…” drop down box and select the “Other:” option, on doing that a text box appears to the right of the drop down. In this box type in the descriptive title of your website e.g. Instead of using ‘My Website’, I have ‘Rob Cameron – website’. There is also a text box under the drop down box, this is where you type in or paste the address of your website.
- Once you have done this scroll down the screen and click the “Save Changes” button. Your descriptive website title will now be displayed on your profile.